Early Years Foundation Stage
Welcome to St Bede's Foundation Stage Unit.
At St Bede’s we are committed to providing high quality Early Years Care and Education.
Our dedicated team of teachers and teaching assistants are always working to achieve the best for all children.
In line with the revised Early Years Foundation Stage Framework 2021 we seek to provide the following for all the children we work with;
Quality and Consistency - so every child can make good progress.
A Secure Foundation - through planning for children's individual needs.
Partnership Working - with parents and other agencies.
Equality of Opportunity - ensuring every child is included and supported.
For further information on the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum please use the links below to access the Governments statutory and Non-statutory guidance.
What Ofsted said about our Foundation Stage:
"Good teaching, strong support from teaching assistants and thoughtful use of resources, motivate children to be creative in their learning in the colourful indoor area.”
“children have many opportunities to select their own games and the vibrant and exciting atmosphere reflects the trust and confidence they have in the adults who work with them. “
“Leadership and management are good and ensure that the welfare of each child is at the heart of everything the setting tries to do.”
Ofsted 29th Nov 2011
What Our Parents Say:
At St Bede's we greatly Value the relationship we create with parents. We try our very best to make sure you are fully informed about everything that is happening at school and hold regular events that parents are welcomed into school to take part in. We encourage parents to keep us up to date with how their children are getting on at home and use seesaw to communicate between home and school.
Our Foundation Stage Unit
At St Bede’s the children in the Foundation Stage get the opportunity to play and learn in our Foundation Unit. Within the Unit Nursery and Reception children work together free flowing between our outdoor and indoor provision.
Working in this way allows children to access learning in so many different ways and at a level appropriate for them. There are five members of staff within our unit which means we can facilitate a range of opportunities for your child.
We provide many different areas of continuous provision for the children to work, the provision is structured to support independent learning based on children's interests and next steps in learning. We develop the provision daily and weekly to suit the children's needs and interests.
Our Continuous Provision
At St Bede's we strongly believe that well planning and well used continuous provision is essential in supporting all our children in achieving their full potential. We therefore provide rich and varied opportunities that are tailored to their needs and interests. We spend time working with the children in the provision to enhance and extend their learning. Children are powerful learners and the opportunity for high quality play alongside guided learning opportunities is key in help children become independent, life long learners.