Welcome to the Year 5 homepage where you can find out what is going on in Year 5 this year.


Welcome to the Spring term!



We have a very busy term ahead of us in Year 5 including a few trips out especially for our Local history topic work and finishing off with Year 5's performance of the Easter Play.

I will be in touch with more details as soon as they are finalised.


For Spring, our PE days are Monday and Friday so please ensure your child has both their indoor and outdoor PE kits in school for those days. They can keep their kits in their lockers during the week.


We will keep in touch with you via Seesaw, email and text. You can contact us on Seesaw messages.


Homework - Unless otherwise specified will be the reading challenge and Mathletics. The reading challenge is to be brought back into school once completed, there is no fixed timescale for completion although we expect the children to be reading at home daily for approximately 15 minutes.

For Mathletics, the target is to achieve a certificate each week (1,000 points). This runs Monday to Sunday and we will celebrate their success on Seesaw and in class during the week.

Dates for your diary;


  • 5th February - Year 5 and 6 mass at St Bede's Church.
  • 6th February - Safer Internet day
  • 11th - 15th February - Half Term
  • 28th February - Poet Clare Shaw to visit
  • 4th March - Year 5 and 6 mass at St Bede's church.
  • 11th - 15th March - Carlisle Music Festival

  • 28th March - Easter play  
  • 29th March - Good Friday
  • 22nd - 24th April - Our residential trip to Robinwood activity centre

There will be more dates to add as we confirm other trips and events.



Year 5 

SUMMER Term 2023


Our Literacy learning includes reading for pleasure, comprehension and inference, writing, spelling and grammar work.


We want to instil a love for reading in Year 5.

In our guided reading this term, we will be introducing the children to a range of authors and types of stories (genres) including fiction, non-fiction and poetry.

The children will all have reading books in class which we will read daily in quiet reading time. We will also take time to share our opinions and reviews of our reading and give each other recommendations. The children can do this on our Padlet page which can be accessed via Seesaw.

In addition, we will have the reading challenge books. Please encourage your child to read and enjoy their books and to complete the challenge questions. These should be answered in pencil using full sentences, a full range of punctuation and their best handwriting.

Please encourage your child to read at home, daily if possible. We would encourage our children to be reading for approximately 15 minutes per day.

Also, your child has access to epic, a free online library and to Read Theory where they can test their comprehension and inference skills.

You can download both apps for free and the children have their login details for both apps. There are many authors to choose from and I would encourage you to spend some time exploring all of the books that are on offer.

In addition, we will continue to run our 'Book Talk' sessions where ever child will have the opportunity to share the book they are reading in class.


In writing, we will be following the National Oak sessions to improve our writing skills.

We will cover a range of topics but our main focus will be on writing a biography of Harriet Tubman, the American civil rights activist and writing a narrative poem based on 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes. 

The children will study Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar as set out in the Year 5 expectations with a strong focus on non-fiction writing but also sentence construction.

For homework, the children have their reading challenge books and should read daily. When you hear them read, make sure they are using expression in their voices. This will really help their understanding of the text.



We will continue to work on our mental maths skills. Please practice times tables and addition facts at home.

We will also learn formal written methods for multiplication and division.

After that we will investigate fractions.

Please continue to use:

TTRockstars https://play.ttrockstars.com/

and Mathletics https://www.mathletics.com/uk/

Please encourage your child to go on Mathletics as much as possible. It is a great way to support your leaning and boost your confidence for our maths learning.

Maths homework will be to get a weekly certificate. Their achievements will be shared on Seesaw. I hope all the children will get their GOLD Mathletics certificates and make it onto our school golden mathlete wall of fame!



Our topic this term continues to be 'Local History'. The children will have the opportunity to guide the way this topic goes and to plan a visit. Initially we will focus on the growth of Carlisle and create a timeline. Then we will look at more modern history and the rise of the 'Cracker Packers', using our Literacy skills for a yummy information text!

If you have any information you could share, pictures or maps of older Carlisle or simply want to share your own experiences of growing up in Carlisle and how it has changed, then we would love to hear from you.



In Science this term are looking at Space and animals and their habitats for which we are hoping to get into the garden area and see what animals we can find. Space is always interesting for the children, learning about the  planets and creating a diorama. They will also be encouraged to keep a 'moon diary' over the  course of one month to see how the moon shape changes over time. In class we will conduct experiments including 'create a crater'.



We will be learning how to use coding to create challenges and games. The children will also complete this term's E Safety work for which we'll also be having an assembly in school. This term we are hoping to get to start using our micro-bots to learn how to program.

We will also be using our i-pad skills to create information videos for our habitats project including animations.



PE will be on a Monday and Friday.

On Monday will be with Mrs Francis and will be after lunch. Our focus this term will be yoga and orienteering.

The children should come to school in their uniforms and bring their PE kits with them.  Please remember that PE kit is a plain white T shirt and black shorts and trainers.

For outdoor PE, the children may wear blue, black or grey plain joggers and their green school sweatshirt. Long hair must be secured with a bobble and all earrings must be removed.

Please note that multi coloured kit is not appropriate.




Our RE topics are inspirational people and reconciliation.


We will be looking at the teaching of the Catholic Church and seeing how people have lived this teaching and can be an inspiration for us all. We will develop this to think who are the inspirational people now who we can all look up to. This will include looking at The Beatitudes.

Reconciliation is all about forgiveness. Seeing how Jesus teaches us how to forgive others. 


This term we will not be holding a class Worship Assembly. Instead, Year 5 will take the lead in the Easter play, normally held in church (dates permitting).




Finally, if you have any questions about our Year 5 class, please don’t hesitate to contact me, Mrs Manchester or Mrs McGlasson via Seesaw messages.