Welcome to Year 1 2023-24
Miss Doran, Miss Devlin, Mrs Queen and Miss Chalmers
Key Dates -
- Dental Nurse to see 5 year olds - Thursday 8th February
- Half Term - Monday 12th - Friday 16th February
- Year 1 Worship Assembly - Tuesday 5th March
- KS1 Wheelchair Basketball - Thursday 7th March
- World Book Day - Thursday 7th March
- Music Festival Week - 11th - 15th March
- Break up for Easter - Thursday 28th March
General Information
My name is Miss Doran and I am the class teacher for Year 1 here at St Bede's, here is a little bit of information about our class!
Our PE days this half term are Wednesdays and Fridays. Please bring your PE kit into school for those days, a white t-shirt and black shorts/leggings and trainers please.
Reading is super important in Year 1, we ask that you read with your child every night at home. This is such a vital year and lots of progress is made, especially with reading. Reading books are being sent home with those who have a reading folder. If you don't have a reading folder and would like to purchase one then please speak to Mrs Palmer in the office. We send reading books home with a yellow reading record for you to add a comment at home, and aim to change books on a Friday.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at: rdoran@stbedes.cumbria.sch.uk or send me a message on seesaw!
English - In our English this term we will be looking at a discussion topic 'Should animals be kept in zoos?' We will be gibing reasons for and against why animals should or should not be kept in zoos and thinking about what we already know about zoos and animals. We will also look at giving opinions on lots of different topics to practice this skill in class. We will also look at using and in our sentences to join two clauses together to make our sentences full of fantastic information! We will also be looking at Instructions on Making Paper Crowns. The children will be learning to write a set of simple instructions on how to make a paper crown. As a class we will go over and understand the features of an instruction text and practice on some of our own ideas. We will be using a range of time connectives to show when something should happen in our instructions. We will also be looking at lists and how we write these. Our lists will help us with knowing what materials we need to use to make our paper crowns.
Maths - In our Maths this term we will be looking at Place Value (within 20). Children will be able to sort and group objects, count objects to 20 and be able to represent objects to 20. Children will also be able to understand numbers and their words and recognise these, be able to sequence numbers up to 20 and count forwards and backwards from and up to 20. We will also look at what one more or one less of a number and which number in a group is the smallest or greatest. We will also be looking at addition and subtraction (within 20). Children will learn how to use part-whole models and tens frames to use for addition and subtraction. We will also continue to look at our subitising and number bonds to 10 and 20 and how these can help us with our problem solving questions.
Science - In our Science this term we will be looking at The Seasons and Animals including humans. We will look at the seasons first and children will be able to observe changes across the four seasons and also describe what weather is found in a specific season. They will also learn that depending on the season, the length of the day can vary. We will also look at Animals including humans and be able to identify and name a variety of common animals including, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and animals. We will also be able to identify whether some common animals are either carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. We will also be able to label and draw common parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with which sense.
Geography - In Geography we will be looking at the The Weather and Seasons. We will look at the four seasons and how we know that we are in each of these seasons. We will also look at what different weather types there are and how we can link these up with the seasons throughout the year.
History - In History we will be looking at King and Queens. We will look at some well-known kings and queens from the past who ruled the United Kingdom. We will find out more about what it was like being royalty and what decisions they may have made for our country.
Art & DT - In our Art lessons we will be looking at Sculpture and 3D: Paper Play. The children will be able to show an understanding of what 3D means and how we can use this to make our own 3D displays of work using our skills learnt from our previous Art lessons. In our DT lessons we will be looking at Textiles: Puppets. Children will be able to make a suitable puppet design and decide on what material and colour they may use and how successful their puppet will be in terms of look and job. The children will make their puppet and a puppet show in class will take place.
We follow Read Write Inc scheme, and continue this from Reception. Children read story books in school as part of the programme, and we upload the stories children read in school onto Seesaw each week. This helps them to progress through the book and have a deeper understanding of the words. The reading books that get sent home with children are relevant to their current reading and phonic ability, with a little challenge to build their resilience and determination.
RE in Year 1
“As the first action of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, creation is the first step towards the covenant relationship God seeks with every human being”
Religious Education Curriculum Directory
This term the children will learn about the beauty of God’s world and explore and respond to the wonders of creation e.g. the seasons. They will also hear about the story of Creation from Genesis and talk about its meaning. They will be reflecting on the knowledge that God made us because he loves us and develop their understanding that we show God we love him by looking after the world and each other. They will learn that we can spoil God’s creation and that we have a responsibility to look after it, as well as hearing an appropriate part of the story of Noah and the Flood and its message of salvation and hope.
At home
You could help your children by:
- Talking about how we can look after the world, e.g. recycling, not dropping litter, conserving energy and how we can care for plants and animals
- Look at the trees during the autumn season and talk about the different colours. You could collect leaves to make a collage or painting
The children will also learn that God sent the Angel Gabriel with a message to Mary and learn why this is important. They will learn that God asked Mary to be the mother of his son and will have an opportunity to reflect on her response. They will hear about Mary’s visit to her cousin, Elizabeth and reflect on the good news. They will begin to reflect on how we can prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus and learn that Mary is our mother in heaven and that she is looking after us.
At home
You could help your children by:
- reinforcing why Mary is important for Christians
- discussing the importance of mothers
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Whole School Worship | Class Worship |
Whole School Worship |
In Class Liturgy |
Whole School Worship |