Welcome to our Year 4 Homepage!



Myself, Mrs Pearson and Miss Stothers would like to welcome the children back to school ready for the Summer Term!

Key Dates 

Please keep an eye out for important dates, although a text message, letter or seesaw announcement will be sent on occasions. 

  • Class Assembly 7th May 24
  • Forest School Trip 3rd June 24
  • Multiplication Check - week commencing 10th June 24

Spring 2024


PE will be on a Tuesday and a Wednesday for this term. Please can children bring PE kits to school on Mondays and leave them in school all week, before taking them home on a Friday.

Homework unless otherwise stated will be reading, reading challenge, TT Rockstars and x table practice and Mathletics. The children will have a Tables Test in the Summer Term so lots of practise will be welcome so they build their fluency and knowledge. We will keep in touch with you via Seesaw, email and text. You can contact us on Seesaw messages. For any extra homework, the children are advised to complete Mathletics activities to achieve their target of 1,000 points per week. It would be fantastic for every child to read at home for 10 -15 minutes per day to develop their reading fluency and comprehension.




In R.E. this term we will be learning about ‘The Early Christians’ and how Jesus made Peter head of the church. We will explore scripture and know that the Church began at Pentecost. We will find out about the cost of Discipleship and reflect on Paul's missionary journeys and his ultimate faith and courage. 

After half term, we explore the Church as a family, that we belong to the Church and that we know about God's call to individuals. 



During our literacy work this term, we will be engaging in a variety of written forms starting with narrative writing and studying the book 'The Borrowers by Mary Norton.  We will explore the theme of the book and the characters creating our own piece of descriptive writing.  The children will practice using interesting and imaginative vocabulary to add detail to their descriptions, and will develop their ability to use a variety of clauses and literacy techniques. We will investigate and write a piece of journalistic writing and a non-fiction piece on chocolate making as part of our Rainforests topic. 

We will carry out spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG) lessons three times per week. During these sessions we will practise different spelling rules and understand grammar terms such as nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs prepositions and being able to recognise different clauses and expanded noun phrases.

Each day, the children will have a quiet reading session where they read and complete quizzes based on their book using Accelerated Reader. They will also have Reading for Pleasure time and weekly Book Talk sessions where they can share books with each other.



Our numeracy lessons will follow the White Rose Maths scheme of work. This term we will focus on multiplication, decimals, calculating with money and shape and space. The children will learn how to calculate and solve problems using jottings to support their answers. We will also work on arithmetic skills each week to build fluency and confidence when working out answers mentally. 



Our science topics this term are ‘Electricity’ and 'Animals including Humans'. We will carry out various practical activities and investigations linked to these topics.



During this term we continue our Geography topic looking further at South America and the Rainforests. Watch out on Seesaw for further information and what activities the children are doing.


During this term the children will be learning how to improve their fitness. This will include a variety of fitness games and building our skills in cricket and tennis.   Please can children bring their P.E. kits in to school on a Monday and leave in school all week before taking home on a Friday.



During this term our topics will include living in a community, living in the wider world and how to 'Achieve.'


Art & Design

 We will be exploring the use of painting and mixed media, light and dark using the fabric of nature in our designs. We will also continue to complete our book covers from last term in D and T and learn how to make a torch using our electricity knowledge. 


If you have any questions about our curriculum, please do not hesitate to get in touch.






KPI's for Numeracy

KPI's for Writing

KPI's for Reading





RE - Ten:Ten materials

Module 1 - Created and loved by God


Religious Understanding: The Sacrements 

Me, my body, my health

Emotional well-being  

Module 2 - Created to love others

Religious understanding - The Prodigal Son

Personal relationships

Keeping safe.

Module 3 - Created to live in community.

Religious understanding - The Trinity

Living in the wider world





States of Matter


Animals including humans

 Living things and their habitats.



E-Safety Unit


 Creating comics - Hopscotch



E-Safety Unit


Technology - Finding information and using hyperlinks

E-Safety Unit

 Multimedia - Making adverts using a range of media



























